Nourished Head to Toe: Winter Body Care

Nourished Head to Toe: Winter Body Care

Winter's frosty air, dry winds, and heated indoor spaces take a toll. When done giving a bit of extra to your face, take a moment to nourish the skin of your body. Our winter skin guide is here to address your winter body care with thoughtful solutions that will indulge and protect your skin from head to toe.



1. No Neglect Zone

What parts of you bear the harshness of the dry chill the most? Elbows, knees, heels, and hands have fewer oil glands and greater friction, which makes them particularly prone to dryness and cracking. Make sure not to overlook them in your routines!



  • Elbows and Knees: Use a thick, deeply nourishing body cream to soften rough patches. Dermud™ Nourishing Body Cream, infused with real Dead Sea mud, works wonders for hydration, deep nourishment and healing.

  • Heels: Employ a daily Dermud™ Nourishing Foot Cream treatment to lock in moisture and keep your heels smooth and healthy.

  • Hands: Protect them with a mineral-rich hand cream throughout the day, especially after washing. Keep one in your bag for on-the-go hydration. Not sure which one to pick? Try the sweet cherry scented Vivid Burgundy Hand Cream or our Dermud™ Nourishing Hand Cream for more intensity.


2. Daily vs. Weekly Care

Winter body care is about balance. Slathering on lotion every day? Balance your daily hydration with weekly treatments to maintain consistently smooth, supple skin through the cold season.


Daily Hydration:
After your shower, apply one of our mineral-rich body lotions or Dermud™ Nourishing Body Cream for a truly rich texture to lock in moisture and provide a barrier against dry indoor air.


Weekly Indulgences:
Once or twice a week, treat your skin to a pampering session. Softening Butter Dead Sea Salt Scrub enriched with coconut and jojoba oil will exfoliate and remove dead skin cells and allow moisturizers to penetrate more effectively.



3. Timing Is Key

The timing of your skincare routine is crucial in winter. Just after a warm shower, your skin is primed to absorb hydration, but it’s also vulnerable to moisture loss.


Apply your body care products immediately after patting your skin dry (try to avoid rubbing) to seal in hydration. Choose a quick-absorbing lotion or a luxurious body cream to make this a seamless part of your routine.



4. Mindful Body Care Rituals

Winter is the time to transform your skincare routine into a self-loving self-care ritual. Let's think beyond functionality and allow our regimen to become a moment of indulgence and relaxation.


Suggestions for Rituals:

  • Warm Baths: Turn your bath into a real Dead Sea experience with a Natural Dead Sea Bath Salt soak to relax tired muscles and hydrate your skin.

  • Exfoliation: A once-a-week must for a thorough absorption of moisturizers.

  • Massage: Apply our rich Dermud™ Nourishing Body Cream with a slow, soothing massage (give any dry spots special focus) to improve blood circulation and deepen the relaxation.

Make these rituals a part of your weekly routine, both for your skin’s sake and for your overall well-being.



Your winter body care transformed into a routine that nourishes, protects, and indulges, your winter turned into a season of renewal and comfort 🤍

Nourished Head to Toe: Winter Body Care

Winter Body Care

Dermud Nourishing Body Cream Dermud Nourishing Body Cream

Dermud Nourishing Body Cream ‎

6.8 fl.oz / 200 ml

Softening Butter Dead Sea Salt Scrub Softening Butter Dead Sea Salt Scrub

Softening Butter Dead Sea Salt Scrub ‎

8 fl.oz / 230 ml

Mineral Hand Cream Vivid Burgundy Mineral Hand Cream Vivid Burgundy

Mineral Hand Cream Vivid Burgundy ‎

3.4 fl.oz / 100 ml

Dermud Nourishing Foot Cream Dermud Nourishing Foot Cream

Dermud Nourishing Foot Cream ‎

3.4 fl.oz / 100 ml

Dermud™ Replenishing Body Wash Dermud™ Replenishing Body Wash

Dermud™ Replenishing Body Wash ‎

8.5 fl.oz / 250 ml

AHAVA® Natürliches 8,5 Oz Totes Meer Badesalz Natural 8.5 Oz Dead Sea Bath Salt

Natural 8.5 Oz Dead Sea Bath Salt ‎

8 fl.oz / 250 ml

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